
Eating Disorder Recovery Service Dogs

If you are a service dog organization looking to meet the needs of those suffering from an eating disorder or are someone currently suffering from an eating disorder who is interested in exploring the addition of a service dog to your life to support you and your ongoing recovery work, Diane would be so honored to come alongside you.

Diane has worked as a Nutrition Therapist in the eating disorder field since 2004 and has a Master of Science in Human-Canine Life Sciences from Bergin College of Canine Studies. She brings a unique blend of eating disorder and canine knowledge to the consultations. Her passion is to see more folks with eating disorders supported by service dogs in their day-to-day lives.

For service dog organizations, Diane will help you understand the common day to day needs of folks with eating disorders that can be met by an Eating Disorder Recovery Service Dog (EDRSD), review your currently trained commands, and explore how they can be expanded to include commands for canines that would uniquely support those suffering from an eating disorder. Consultations can be general education or case specific and are available as a one-time only service, as needed, or ongoing.

For those exploring the addition of a service dog to their lives, Diane will explore your unique eating disorder story and symptomatology and how an EDRSD could support you in your day-to-day life. She will also work to connect you with reputable service dog organizations and trainers who can help train a dog for you or who can help you train your own dog.

Note: Service dogs have public access and are trained specifically to perform certain task(s) for those with disabilities. They are therefore distinctly different from emotional support animals who have housing access but do not have public access. To learn more about service dogs and the difference between service dogs and other types of canine support, see and (Assistance Dogs International, 2021; United States Department of Justice, 2021).